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Abhinav Chandel

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Abhinav Chandel

Abhinav Chandel is a fascinating individual who has chosen an unconventional path in life. Let me share some information about him:

  1. Background and Passion:
    • Abhinav Chandel is a writer, traveler, and photographer based in McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh, India
    • He grew up in Kashipur, Uttarakhand, and initially dreamt of becoming a successful IT engineer.
    • However, he decided to follow his passion for travel and photography, leaving behind his well-paying job.
    • Abhinav has been traveling across India for the past four years, capturing beautiful moments through his lens and sharing them on Instagram.
  2. Balancing Work and Passion:
    • Abhinav has found the perfect balance between work and his love for solo travel, writing, and photography.
    • He seeks work opportunities that allow him to engage in his passion without compromising his lifestyle.
    • Currently, he lives in McLeod Ganj, a picturesque town in Himachal Pradesh.
  3. Funding His Travels:
    • Abhinav doesn’t have a strict travel bucket list; he simply loves exploring new places.
    • He funds his travels through a combination of freelance work, writing, and photography.
    • By following his heart, he has created a fulfilling life that revolves around his passions
  4. Online Presence:
    • Abhinav shares his travel experiences, photographs, and stories on various platforms:
      • Medium: He writes on Medium, where he combines his love for travel, photography, and writing.
      • Instagram: His Instagram account showcases his stunning travel photographs and adventures.
      • Abhinav works as an itinerary planner and travel blogger for Tierra Travels’ inbound website.

While I don’t have specific details about his age, income, or home location, I encourage you to explore his work further through the mentioned platforms. Abhinav’s journey is an inspiring example of following one’s passions and creating a life that aligns with those passions.

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