Chandigarh, June 2024: A dramatic and startling incident unfolded at Chandigarh Airport when Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut alleged that she was slapped by a CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) constable during a security check. The altercation, which has quickly gained national attention, stems from a purported political disagreement involving the farmers’ protests.
The Incident: A Heated Exchange
Kangana Ranaut, a prominent figure known for her strong political views, recounted the event through a video statement. According to her, the confrontation occurred at the security check area of Chandigarh Airport:
“बयान दिया था ना कि में ये बैठे थी वहां पे मेरी मां बैठी थी उस टाम जब इसने बयान लिया था आज चंडीगढ़ एयरपोर्ट प जो हादसा हुआ वो सिक्योरिटी चेक के साथ में हुआ वहां पर मैं सिक्योरिटी चेक करके जैसे ही निकली तो दूसरे कबि में जो महिला थी जो सुरक्षा कर्मचारी थी सीआईएसएफ की उन्होंने मेरे उनके पास या उनको क्रॉस करने का इंतजार किया और साइड से आकर जो है मुझे मेरे फेस पर हिट किया और गालियां देने लगी।”
(Translation: When the incident occurred today at Chandigarh Airport during security check, I was just exiting when a female CISF security personnel came from the side, waited for me to cross, and then hit me on the face and started abusing me.)
Possible Motive: Political Tensions
The alleged slap wasn’t just an isolated act of aggression. Kangana claimed that the constable’s behavior was fueled by political motives. Specifically, the constable, identified as Kulwinder Kaur, allegedly expressed her support for the farmers’ protests and objected to Kangana’s earlier remarks on the issue:
“जब मैंने उनको पूछा कि उन्होंने ऐसा क्यों किया तो उन्होंने कहा कि वो फार्मर्स प्रोटेस्ट को जो है वो सपोर्ट करती हैं।”
(Translation: When I asked her why she did this, she said she supports the farmers’ protest.)
Kangana has been vocal about her stance on the farmers’ protests, which have been a polarizing issue in India. Her critical comments on the movement have stirred controversy and, in this case, seem to have triggered a personal response from the constable.

Constable’s Side: Defense and Background
On the other side, CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur reportedly defended her actions, linking them to a personal connection with the farmers’ protests. Her mother had attended the protests, and Kangana’s previous statements may have provoked her:
“सीआईएसएफ कांस्टेबल कुलविंदर कौर इज हर्ड सेइंग हर मदर वाज अमंग दोज हु अटेंडेड द फार्मर्स एजिटेटर हैड मेड अ स्टेटमेंट सजेस्टिंग दैट सच वमन टेक ₹1 टू सिट इन ऑन द प्रोटेस्ट।”
(Translation: CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur is heard saying that her mother was among those who attended the farmers’ protests and that Kangana had made a statement suggesting such women take ₹1 to sit in on the protest.)
Official Investigation: CISF and Police Response
The matter is now under investigation by the CISF, and no formal complaint has been filed with the local police yet. DSP Kuljinder Singh of Chandigarh Police confirmed that they had not received any complaints:
“एप डीएसपी कुलजिंदर सिंह टोल्ड द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस दैट द पुलिस डिड नॉट रिसीव एनी कंप्लेन एंड द मैटर वाज बीइंग प्रोब्ड बाय द सीआईएसएफ।”
(Translation: DSP Kuljinder Singh told The Indian Express that the police did not receive any complaint and the matter was being probed by the CISF.)
A senior official at the airport remarked that the investigation was ongoing, and it was too early to comment definitively on the issue:
“अ सीनियर ऑफिशल एट द एयरपोर्ट सेड एंड आई क्वट द मैटर इज बीइंग इन्वेस्टिगेटेड एंड वी कांट कमेंट ऑन द इशू।”
(Translation: A senior official at the airport said, ‘The matter is being investigated, and we can’t comment on the issue.’)
Kangana’s Next Steps: A Formal Complaint
Kangana Ranaut has declared her intent to escalate the matter to higher authorities. She plans to file a formal complaint with the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure that the incident is thoroughly investigated:
“रनोत आल्सो सेड शी वुड लॉज अ कंप्लेंट विद द मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ होम अफेयर्स।”
(Translation: Ranaut also said she would lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Home Affairs.)
Departure and Aftermath
Following the altercation, Kangana was about to board a Vistara flight to New Delhi at 3 PM. She was accompanied by her family, who witnessed the incident. The incident has not only raised questions about security personnel conduct but also highlighted the deep political and social divisions regarding the farmers’ protests.
This incident at Chandigarh Airport serves as a stark reminder of the intense political climate in India. As investigations proceed, both sides of the story will likely unfold further, possibly impacting the broader conversation around political expression and security protocols in sensitive environments.